One of my favorite things too see here on hawaii are the humpbacks jumping around..they are EVERYWHERE. It is crazy. But one may ask, "Why do they jump? Seems like a lot of work to thrust a 40 ton body out of the water...." There are many theories to why humpbacks jump and do displays, some say for sexual display, some say for fun, some say to look at their surroundings...but I have my own theory. They jump for the glory of God, to praise him! To praise the one who brings them peace and life in this world. The one who gives them life and gives new life as they birth new calves and start new lives through mating. They sing songs underwater (which scientist also have no idea why) to sing of the God who gives and takes and is worthy of all praise. The sing and jump for the years of great schools of fish in the north, and warm waters to bring rest in Hawaii. They praise God because they know that you are worthy of praise.
They study but do not know why the whales jump, I pray it would be the same in my life, that people would wonder why I jump, why I raise my hands. "It does not make logical sense..., they will say, "Is it cause he is crazy? Maybe he is stretching from his long day?" But I will know... its for the glory of God. To sing and display my praise for the God who saves brings peace, purpose, and hope to idiots like me. And unlike the whales, those who wonder can ask me, and I will tell them. It still may not make sense, but for those whom it does, I think soon they will be jumping too.